Terms and Conditions


Terms, Conditions and Regulations


for Using (CEER) by Customers and Service Providers


CEER Technology FZE


  • These terms and conditions is applied to your usage of the application and the website (www.ceer.ae) - CEER site and application
  • By using CEER site and application, you are accepting to commit to the following terms and conditions. In case of not accepting the terms and obligations, you shall be obligated not to use the site and application.
  • We reserve our right to change the term and conditions from time to time without any notification what so ever. Accordingly, it is your responsibility to check the term and conditions periodically. Continuing of the use of CEER site and application shall be considered an acceptance of the terms and conditions applied at the time of your usage to the site and applications
  • As part of our obligation to make CEER a site and application you want to visit continually, we are more than happily to receive your all comments upon any of the policies or rules that we are listing below.



  • “You are the formula of the addressee”, indicates the user of CEER site and application and all leading expressions shall be taken into account.
  • All leading expressions shall be taken into account. “CEER site and application” indicates to the meaning specified above. “User’s information” means the personal details that you provide to us through CEER site and application. “Users” means the users of CEER site and application as a whole and/or individuals as the context indicates. “CEER site and application” means the site and the application upon the global informational network. “Content” means any reviews, comments, messages, data, information, text, music, voice, photo, drawing, video, symbol or other materials that are recorded or presented upon CEER site and application in a direct way or through the site and the application of others.
  • “Interactive areas” means discussion forums, billboards, review services, chatting or other forums that are provided by CEER site and application and that are used by other users for publishing the content.
  • “Automatic processing” means robot, web, screen scraper, tools of collecting data or other tools or routine or automatic process


Terms and Conditions

  • These terms and conditions that are subjected to amendments or changes from time to time means the permissible usage for logging into CEER site and application


  • You must not be less than 18 years old
  • You shall have the full competence to enter into a contract and to deal with others
  • Any person who is less than 18 years old who uses CEER site and application is required to provide his parents or his guardian approval
  • You shall undertake and acknowledge that you have the right and the legal capacity to use CEER site and application as per what is provided in these terms and conditions
  • You shall undertake that any usage for CEER site and application shall be as per what is provided in the following terms and conditions
  1. You shall not copy, download, reproduce, republish, frame, transmit or send any of the materials provided by CEER site and application in any way except for your only personal home non-commercial usage
  2. You shall be committed to the specified rules that are applied to any promotion placed by CEER in which you participate in
  3. You shall be committed not to execute anything that may affect the operation or the security of CEER site and application or that may cause any illogic disturbance or malfunction from any of the other users or our workers


  • You shall not have previously used CEER services and were banned from using the site and the application
  • You shall not be a competitor for CEER or present any product that is similar to CEER products
  • You shall be committed to all the laws and regulations applied in the country in which the service is provided
  • The information must be presented as being true and accurate for CEER. Moreover, you shall be committed to any notifications conducted by CEER concerning the presented services for guaranteeing not to hinder any operative processes presented by CEER
  • Your usage of the services presented by CEER must not be a cause for harming or disturbing any person whoever he is
  • You must keep all contents and security numbers used in logging into your account in a secure way
  • You must submit all the required documents proving your identity or the identity of your vehicle as specified by CEER
  • CEER shall have the right to reject any service or use of the application without expressing any reason
  • You shall not be entitled to cancel any service post 3 minutes from asserting its request from the site and application. In case of cancelling the request, you shall be obligated to pay a fine of 50 SAR in consideration of canceling the service after demanding it
  • For accessing to CEER site and application, you will need to have internet connection. You shall be responsible of any connection, services, or fees related to accessing the internet and providing all the equipment that are necessary for enabling you to be internet-ready (including computer, modem and any other tools that are necessary for internet connection)
  • Due to the capacity limitation of all servers and its usage by many persons at the same time, you shall commit not to use CEER site and application in any way that may lead to destroy or exceed the resistance capacity of the server or any other network related to our servers
  • You must abstain from using CEER site and application in any way that lead, or may logically lead, to involve any other party in using CEER site and application in a way that is in contrary to, or may be in a contrary to, any subjected and applied laws or rights or legal dues for any other parties as per all the applied laws.
  • You shall agree to abstain from using the following matters (whether executed personally by your party or by a third party)
  1. Using an automatic operation for processing, controlling, copying and extracting any pages existed in CEER site and application or any information or content or data in the site and application or that are accessed through CEER site and application without obtaining a prior written approval from our party
  2. Using an automatic operation for collecting or combining the information or the content or the data existed in or that can be accessed through CEER site and application with the information or the items or data that are accessed through a third party
  3. Using any automatic operation for intervening in or trying to intervene in the peaceful way of work for CEER site and application
  4. Doing any action that may impose a big load in an illogic or inappropriate way with the available infrastructure or the frequent scope of CEER site and application
  5. Applying a reverse engineering, reverse collection, disposition or any other work that may discover a source symbol or other calculating formulas or processing concerning the computer program that is sued in the infrastructure of the operations related to CEER site and application
  6. Copying, reproducing, changing, amending, deriving the security works or establishing a general presentation for any part of the content of CEER site and application without our prior written approval


The content produced by the user

  • By presenting any content for CEER site and application, you shall grant us a non-exclusive, free, transferable, global and un-appealable license for being; (A) used, reproduced, amended, executed, adapted, translated, distributed, published, copied, transmitted and delivered in any way, present any work inverted by it in front of the public at any place of the world and through any means of media that is known at the current time or shall be created in the future. (B) Using the name that you have presented in conjunction with the content. In addition, you shall grant us a license for the legal pursuit to any natural or concerned person violating your rights or our rights in such content
  • You shall undertake and accept that all the contents presented to CEER site and applications by your party are not confidential and not owned by others
  • You shall undertake all the items and execute all the required documents
  • We are not obligated, through any item in this terms and conditions in any way, in using any content. Therefore, if we do use the content, we are not obliged to any financial rights towards you
  • You shall be solely responsible for using the interactive areas.
  • By using the interactive areas, you are accepting not to publish, upload, send, distribute, store or find in any way or to cause in publishing, upon CEER site and application in a direct or indirect way through an electronic site or application of others, any of the following matters:
  1. Illegal, defaming, disparaging or damaging content for any religious or moral group or flagrant, pornographic, filthy, abusive content or a content that has suggestions, harassments, threats or violating the privacy and publication rights, or violent or cheating or unacceptable in any way
  2. A content that forms, encourages or presents instructions for a criminal violation or violating the rights of any party or causing, in any way, a legal responsibility or violating any of the local national or international laws including for example, but not limited to, the legislations related to the organizer of the stock markets in such specialization in which the content was published
  3. A content that causes disturbances or harassments to others
  4. A content that you do not own personally without a clear permission from the owner of this content
  5. A content that may cause a violation in the patent, trademark, commercial secret, copyrights or any other intellectual or property rights for any party
  6. A content that impersonates the personality of any natural or concerned individual or cause in any way a false allegation of subordinating nature for this natural or concerned individual, including our party
  7. Undesired promotional materials, political campaigns, advertisement, competitions, withdrawals or presenting offers
  8. Information related to a third party, for example, but not limited to, the family name, address, telephone numbers, e-mails and numbers of credit cards
  9. Viruses, subversive data or other files that may cause damages or malfunctions or destructions
  10. A content that is not related to the subject of the interactive area (areas) in which the content was published
  11. A content or relations that we consider, according to our absolute decision: (A) violates any of the aforementioned items. (B) Unacceptable. (C) Reduces or prevents any other person from using the interactive areas or CEER site and application or (D) to be a cause in exposing us, any of our sub-companies or other users in any way to the damage or legal accountability


  • We shall not be responsible (or approve) of any contents published, uploaded, fixed, distributed, stored, found or being a cause in publishing it in CEER site and application or through a site or electronic application for others by others in any way
  • We shall not be responsible for any content published, stored or uploaded in the interactive areas by your party or by any third party or for any resulting loss or damage
  • We shall not be responsible for any errors, abuse, contempt, defamation, omission, lies, misuse, harassment or insults that you may meet during using the interactive areas
  • We shall not be responsible for any phrases, content presented by users in any public forum, personal homepage or any other interactive areas. Although we are not responsible classifying or following any of the contents that are published or distributed through the interactive area, we, as per our absolute decision, may remove, classify, refuse, publish or execute the content that was published or stored through CEER site and application without any prior notice at any time and for any reason. You shall be solely responsible for establishing backup copies or replacing the content that published or kept in CEER site and application at your own expense
  • In the case of finding your acquisition of any moral rights (including percentage and integrity rights) in the content, you shall announce in accordance to the limitations of law:
  1. You are not to request using any personal information relating to the content or any works derived from such content or upgrades or improvements that are conducted upon it
  2. You shall not have any objection on publishing, using, amending, removing or benefiting from the content by our party, our sub-companies, authorized persons, subsequent owners or assignees
  3. You shall undertake that you will permanently wave your right and agree not to claim or assert any rights related to the author in the content or any of its parts
  4. You shall undertake that you will permanently exempt us and all entities affiliated with us, the authorized persons, the subsequent owners and the assignees from any requirements as a result of having any moral rights of any kind


  • Using the interactive areas or others pages of CEER site and application in a way that may violate the terms and conditions stated herein shall not be restricted to terminate or suspend the rights of using the interactive areas and /or CEER site and application. In addition, to guarantee the cooperation with the governmental requirements, claims and orders of the court, the protection of others users, our systems, we might be disclosing any information that we believe in they are necessary or suitability including, but not limited to, the information of your file user (name, e-mail, etc.), internet protocol address, password information, date of usage and the content that was presented to CEER site and application. We shall have the right to disclose any information of that kind overriding our obligation to the privacy terms and conditions
  • If you have any complaint arising from the content that was published, uploaded, transmitted, distributed, kept or found to be a cause in any way for being published upon CEER site and application or by any other site or electronic application of others, you shall accept to carry out the complaint against this user and not our party


Electronic sites of others

  • You shall undertake and accept that we are not responsible for the availability or the content of any site or electronic sites of others that you have found through CEER site and application
  • We shall not undertake and may not be responsible in any way for any content, advertisement, production, or existing service available in the electronic sites of others. With being restricted to the applicable laws that cannot be excluded, we shall not present any guarantees or undertakes any obligations whatever they are (A) concerning the quality, the accuracy and the suitability for selling or the suitability of the material for its purpose, products and service existed or available in the electronic sites of others. (B) The material existing or available in the electronic sites of others shall not violate the rights of the intellectual property for others
  • Any transaction executed among you and third parties of advertisers, traders who are existed in or through CEER site and application, including the payment for delivering the products, services or any terms, provisions or guarantees or undertakes related to these transactions, it shall be executed between you and the advertiser or the concerned trader. Accordingly, we shall not be responsible for or be obligated to a loss or damage of any kind that happened because of these transactions.


Intellectual Property

  • The copyrights and all intellectual property rights in all materials and content that is provided as part of CEER site and the application are owned by us or license providers at all times
  • You may use this material or content only as per the written authorization by us or by the license provider
  • You will not work for or assist, facilitate the works of others, copying material or content, reproducing or broadcasting, distributing, adapting it, using it in a commercial way, or find a work based on them
  • If you become aware of the distribution or commercial exploitation of any kind, you agree to informing us immediately


The responsibility for the information provided by CEER the site and the application

  • In compliance with the responsibilities prescribed by law that cannot be excluded, we, and all of our managers, employees, agents, or contractors with us, do not have any responsibility for any loss, damage, responsibilities, claims, or costs (including, without restriction and without limitation, legal costs and fees for the defense or settlement costs) in any form or manner whatsoever that affected you, either directly, indirectly, or as a result of as a result of accessing to CEER site and applied by you, content, or site and application of others or third party services, in any way caused, whether in contract, damage (including negligence), law, or otherwise
  • We shall be committed to exert our efforts in order to enclose CEER site and application to all forms of logical care, with the exception of what law requirement. We will not undertake the specific and accuracy responsibility and appropriateness of the specific purpose of CEER site and application. We will not make a promise that the material containing CEER site and the application, or any of the functions included in CEER site and application or any of the server hardware, will work without interruption, delay, will work without errors, will be free of viruses or programming errors or will work with any other software or other material
  • We take the responsibility for any falsified claim we announce as well as any demise or personal injury resulting from our negligence
  • We shall not be responsible for any loss or damage from which you are suffering or third parties because of using or in connection with the usage of CEER site and application
  • We shall not undertake the liability towards you or any other person as a result of any loss resulting from an order that we do not control. This includes electronic or mechanical equipment or communication lines (including telephone, cable, and the Internet), illegal access or subversive symbols, theft, operating errors, severe or unusual weather conditions (including floods, and earthquakes, or other acts of fate,), fire, war, rebellion, terrorist acts, riots, labor disputes, other labor problems, accidents, emergency, delays, excess bookings, cancellation, the death of the governor, or acts done by the government




  • We care a big deal about your privacy and security. Some data used by CEER site and application are collected to provide services online that are provided through CEER site and application. CEER site and application will record and follow-up your usage through the use of, for example, but not limited to, short text files (cookies) and other follow-up tools and devices
  • The use of these data falls within the parameters of the terms of the Privacy Policy that we are applying. Privacy Policy is considered as part of these terms and conditions and it must be fully comprehended. If you don’t accept the terms of the privacy policy, you must abstain from using CEER site and application
  • We undertake commitment to all the legislations of the privacy protection clauses at the established time of their issuance with regard to any personal information related to you that we collected and might be asked from you to provide personal information related to you that we are offered on different pages on CEER site and application. We shall be committed not to use such information that you provide for any purposes that are not listed in the privacy policy, but not for the purposes determined by the application and site as such information are required
  • Kindly use the feedback form located on CEER site and application to let us know any change in the information that you have previously provided, if you want to withdraw your consent to our use of the information provided for purposes that have been determined or for any form of advertising communication



  • We undertake with our continuous commitment through our private policy the safety towards a reliable usage of CEER site and application. Upon using CEER site and application, particularly when using any of the interactive areas available on CEER site and application, you must always take the following precautions:
  1. Maintaining the confidentiality of your identity. Do not give your full name, your postal address, phone number, email address, school name, or any other information (except for the ones that we ask you specifically) that may allow anyone to know your true identity through it
  2. Do not meet anyone that you get to know through the network
  3. Do not reply to any messages that can be taken as hostile, audacity, lack of decency, or cause you to feel uncomfortable in any way



  • You acknowledge and agree to indemnify us and/or any entity associated with us and the staff, managers, our employees and /or the entities associated with us immediately and upon request for all claims, liabilities, losses, costs, including legal fees arising out of any breach or violation of these terms and conditions by your usage or other damages arising from the your use of CEER site and application



  • We reserve the right to the immediate termination of your usage of CEER site and application in the event of your breach to any item in the terms and conditions, if we believe, based on our reasonable grounds, that you could violate the terms and conditions or if you made a behavior we see, at our absolute discretion, as being unacceptable



  • In case that you want to express any comment addressed to us about CEER site and application or to ask any questions concerning such matter, kindly contact us through the form available on CEER site and application


Providing CEER site and application

  • Due to the exposure of electronic services to drop or collapse, the access to CEER site and application is available as only in its current state
  • We shall be entitled, at our absolute discretion, to impose limitations or restrictions on the use of CEER site and application. In addition, for the purposes of security, technical, maintenance, legal or legislative reasons, or as a result of any breach of these terms and conditions, we reserve the right to withdraw CEER site and application or your access to the site and the application at any time and without any prior notice



  • Nullity and others: If any court or legislator decided that the items of these terms and conditions are invalid or shall not be applied in any form, these items shall be canceled and removed from these terms and conditions, while the rest of the items in the terms and conditions shall remain as being fully enforced
  • Applicable law: These terms and conditions, CEER site and application are subjected to the laws applied in the United Arab Emirates and according to the media legislator in the UAE. Any arising dispute shall be non-exclusively subjected to the competent courts in the UAE
  • Third parties: These terms and conditions shall be applied among us and among the users. No other person is entitled to take the advantage of these terms and conditions. We reserve our right to perform any of our obligations, and practice of rights granted to us by our terms and conditions through a third party
  • Referral: We reserve our right to refer in any way or transfer any or all of our rights and obligations set forth in these terms and conditions to any third party



Payment and Prices

  • CEER expresses all prices in the application for each service and approves the prices for each service before the request. The price varies depending on the region, the country or the time of requesting the service as there are fixed prices for some services and there are prices based on the distance or the time of the trip. Furthermore, CEER may update the prices at any time and you must review it
  • In the event of not paying for the service through a money transfer or credit card, the service requester must pay the service value to the service provider in cash immediately after providing your car wash service. Any amounts of money paid is nonrefundable
  • You must be obligated to pay the value of the distance calculated by CEER counter "Miter" and CEER shall ensure its accuracy in percentage of 99%
  • In the event of the malfunction of CEER counter upon the process of the service for any reason, you shall pay the original value that was previously specified in the application


Legal responsibility

  • CEER shall not be responsible for damage resulting from the use of, or the inability to use, the electronic means of communication with the website or the application
  • Service provider and supplier shall be responsible for the quality of the assistance service required by CEER by using the application or the entire service
  • CEER shall not responsible under any circumstances any errors resulted by the service provider
  • Any note concerning the service provider must be submitted in the evaluation of his service to take the necessary action against him by our party as CEER is not responsible of any behavior, neglect or all of the foregoing from the service provider
  • CEER does not have any clear guarantees concerning the provided services
  • The applied law and settling disputes shall be according to the laws and regulation used in the country in which the service was provided


Terms and conditions for service providers

  • First: The contractual relationship between the service provider and CEER


  • All regulations and terms are a formal agreement between CEER Company for Car wash services and Service Providers for Cars. Whereas CEER is, an electronic platform combines a provider and a customer through the website or the application of CEER. Through the application, it is allowed for customers to request the service and have the provider be responsible for implementing it according to the available services in CEER. The use of the services provided by CEER shall be considered as being a complete approval for all terms and conditions. CEER shall be entitled to amend or change the terms and conditions a prior without notice
  • You are responsible for reviewing the terms and conditions periodically


  • Second: CEER license for service providers


  • CEER grants a license that is not exclusive to you and you shall not have the right to waive or subcontract or otherwise, and the primary responsibility shall be charged by the main user who has been granted the right of usage. A third party may not be intervened unless by the consent of CEER.


  • Third: the pledge and the acknowledgment


  • The service provider shall comply with all applicable laws in the United Arab Emirates or the country where the service is offered
  • You shall not be entitled to use CEER if your services were previously disabled and you must have the competence for entering into a contract in full
  • The information must be accurately and correctly presented for CEER team and for the client and the service applicant
  • You may not use the service or the application to cause any harm, harassment or inconvenience to anyone
  • You shall not be entitled to pervert the course of work in CEER or to try to damage the service or the application in any way
  • You must maintain your account login information
  • You must submit the official documents that are required for proving your identity
  • CEER shall have the right to prevent the use of the application without providing any reason
  • You must take all the necessary safety and security precautions in general and comprehensive way
  • Services must be presented to the customer under the umbrella of the law as damaged cars are not allowed to be towed from an accident without an authorized order from a traffic control officer
  • You must maintain the confidentiality of the information of the client to whom CEER services was provided
  • You must notify the authorities upon having suspicion or doubt for any security violation
  • You must comply to provide the agreed service at the customer's request and when there is another service need, the customer must submit another request through the application
  • The necessity of having full permits and governmental documents for yourself and for the car through which the services are offered for customers, for example, driving license and a valid car insurance


  • Fourth: prices and payment.


  • Prices appear in in the application. The price may vary depending on the region or the country
  • You shall acknowledge and agree that you offering any of the services available through the CEER application leads to charge you with fees in consideration of your usage of the application and providing services to customers who are using the application. CEER may exempt you from paying the fees at the beginning of using the application, and then it re-impose fees at a specified percentage that you will review in your notifications at the control panel
  • The applicable fees include the taxes as provided by the law. All fees that you pay are final and non-refundable, unless otherwise specified by CEER
  • Any consequential fees that you will pay in consideration of providing the services through the application shall be due immediately and the way of payment shall be (deposit or banking transfer)
  • CEER shall have the right to review the fees for any of the services at any time without obtaining the approval of the service provider. The fees may increase as per the time or geographical area
  • You shall be committed to the invoice issued by the application when collecting it from the client. In the case of system malfunction, God forbid, you shall be committed to collect only the original value
  • CEER shall be entitled to review the invoices submitted through the system and verify from any claims resulting from providing the service by your party to the customer, in addition to taking the necessary action without you having right of the objection
  • CEER shall have the right to present offers and discounts to the customers from time to time in accordance with the marketing plan. You shall be obligated to comply with the quotation as stated in the marketing offer and you must agree upon the eligibility of CEER to change the prices from time to time
  • You shall acknowledge and agree to comply with honesty and respect to the value and the fact of the operations and the opening of the counters and otherwise. In addition, you shall agree that in the event of discovering any fraud or manipulation or deception, your services shall be exposed to suspension


  • Fifth: Disclaiming the responsibility


  • CEER shall not be responsible for any damages, losses; special or incidental liabilities or those are arising in connection with the non-obligation of the customer (customers) to pay the costs of the service provided. The second party shall not be entitled to demand any compensation in such regard. CEER is not responsible for compensating the service provider for any resulting losses or damages
  • CEER shall not have the right to intervene in any personal disagreements between the service provider and the customer in case of referring such disagreements to the official authorities. The service provider should not consider this agreement, as being a hiring one and that the relationship is a service brokerage in consideration of a commission to CEER. Therefore, CEER shall not be responsible for any legal responsibility of any types of damage, losses, claims or requests


  • Sixth: the contract term and its termination


  • CEER Company shall be entitled to terminate the contract in an immediate effect at any time (by suspending your usage of the application and the service) in the event of violating or breaching any condition or in the event that it turns out to CEER that you offended the application and the service
  • CEER shall not be obligated to send a notice or warning before the termination of the contract
  • CEER shall be entitled to stop your services from the application at any time and without having to justify the reason for such termination. The service provider shall acknowledge the understanding of his right and that he shall not be entitled to demand any compensation in the event of executing this procedure
  • CEER reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to amend any of the presented conditions and regulations or to replace it, change the service, the application, suspend, stop or permanently canceled them