It depends on the size of the area but 4 - 6 hours should be expected. Using the most modern equipment means we can complete work during the same day so you re not inconvenienced with more than one appointment.

You will know it's time once your floors start looking dull and matte even after a proper cleaning.

Some basic precautions can help to keep your floor in good condition such as using a doormat at entrances, and regular sweeping to avoid grit being walked into the floor.

When cleaning a surface-finished floor, follow the manufacturer's recommendations. You may generally use a dampened(near dry) mop to maintain a wood floor; however excessive moisture will cause damage. Standing water can dull the finish, damage the wood, and leave a discolouring residue. If water spills on a wood floor, immediately wipe it up with a clean cloth.

Place mats and throw rugs at doorways to help protect wood floors from grit, dirt and sand. Place felt pads under furniture legs and vacuum/dust your wood floor regularly.

Tile Cleaners® charge per square meter for each separate room. There is a price list on the Tile Cleaners® website for you to review. Before we begin our work we will measure each room individually, confirm the work to be carried out as well as confirm all costs with you.

We recommend that you measure each room separately. The simplest way to measure is by multiplying the width by the length. For example a room that is 3 meters long and 2 meters wide is 3 X 2 = 6m2 in total.

Tile Cleaners® technicians can help to move items that one person could be expected to move such as furniture with wheels, light furniture, tables and chairs, however as Tile Cleaners® insurance covers our restoration services, we will not be held liable for any damage caused to furniture or property you request our technicians to move.

Move all furniture and items off the floor so it is ready for when we arrive.

If you are getting your floors sealed, then you should keep in mind that it usually takes around 4 hours before your tiles are touch dry, however the sealer takes up to 24 hours to fully cure which means that you are not allowed to mop the floor or allow it to get wet for at least 24 hours after the job has been completed.

It usually takes around 4 hours before your tiles are touch dry, which means that you can walk on them and even return most furniture items after 4 hours of completing the job, however you can not mop the tiles, or allow them to become wet for at least 24 hours as that can potentially wash off the sealer as it takes up to 24 hours to fully cure. You should not return rugs to the floor for at least 24 hours after the job has been completed, since the rug will stop your tiles from breathing before the sealer is fully cured.